How to Store and Preserve a Whole Jamón?
A whole leg of Jamón will last up to 9 months unopened from the time it arrives at your doorstep; however, once you open up the vacuum seal, it will last for 6-8 weeks, as long as you store it properly. Our 16 lb whole Jamón 100% Ibérico de Bellota will yield around 45 to 50 plates of 2.5oz/each.
A whole leg of Jamón Ibérico doesn’t need to be refrigerated. It should, however, be stored on its jamonero, or ham-holder, away from a direct heat source or sunlight.
Cover the exposed meat surface with those slices of fat you removed when you first cut into the jamón. Then cover the whole leg with a dry kitchen towel or cheesecloth to keep out the sunlight and air.
Do not wrap in foil or plastic wrap.
If you carve too many slices, place in ziploc bag or air tight container that prevents airflow.